
Prof. NikolayGrinchik

Prof. NikolayGrinchik Contact details First name: Nikolay Last name: Grinchik Address: Yakubovski str., 19, apart16 220034, Minsk Belarus Phone/ Fax/ Mobile: +375-17-2475170, +375-29-7067583 Email: Personal particulars Date of birth: 15.02.1950 Nationality: Belarus Gender: Male Maritial status: Married Educational background and academic degrees 1967-1972 Physics Faculty, Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus Speciality: Physics Area of specialization: Thermal physics Grade obtained: Master of Science in Physics at the Belarusian State University Additional education 1985 Defence of PhD thesisin Thermal Physics and Mo-lecular Physics (Candidate of Physical and Mathe-matical Sciences) 1995 Defence of DSc thesis (Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences) Academic degree 2007 Associate Professor (Docent) in Electronics and Microelectronics Employment history and professional experience Employment status: full time Total years of work experience: researches, including investigations of transfer processes in porous media, electrolites, membranes, distributions of electromagnetic waves in inhomogeneius (laminated, angular) structures, development of mathematical and computational models. 1972-2003, Junior and Seniourresearcherat the A.V. Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus 2003- at present time– Leading Researcherat A.V. Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Areas of work Fluiddynamics, Electrodynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer Theory, Thermodynamics, Acoustics. Numerical methods. Areas of scientific interests Electrodynamics of heterogeneous media. Transfer theory for porous media. Educational activity September, 2005 – at present time – associate professor of Mathematical Physics Chair at Belarusian State University, Belarus. Study Course: ‘Me-chanics and electrodynamics of heterogeneous media’ Professional activity Member of Belarusian Physics society Member of Supreme Attestation Committee of Belarus from 2011 Academic awards and grants Prizewinner of Koptug’sAward of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (2013) BRFFR (Belarusian Republic Foundation for Fundamental Research): 2000-2003– project T00-048 “The study of two-phase flows and heat & mass transfer in active and resonance hydrodynamics regimes” BRFFR (Belarusian Republic Foundation for Fundamental Research): 2003-2005– project T03-163“Theoretical and experimental studies of interactions of electromagnetic, thermal and diffusive fields in multilayer electrodynamics structures” BRFFR (Belarusian Republic Foundation for Fundamental Research): 2004-2006– project T04-026“Investigation of influence of enharmonic thermal and hydrodynamics conditions on hydrodynamics and heat and mass transfer in disperse porous media” Visits of scientific centers abroad January-September, 1989–Chemical Physics Institute of Academy of Sciences of USSR; Moscow, USSR; Project ‘Mathematical modelling of fine liquid layers’. January-Mart, 2005 – Science Support Foundation of Poland ‘Kassaim. Myanowski’,Poland. Project ‘Biochemistry of cartilage’ Area of extracurricular interests, hobbies historical literature. Publications A total number of the publications – 120 (including 6 books, articles in jour-nals, abstracts and reports of conference proceedings and 48 patents). A LIST OF PUBLICATIONS A total number of the publications – 120 (including 6 books, articles in jour-nals, abstracts and reports of conference proceedings and 48 patents). Book 1. Grinchik N.N. Transfer processes in porous media, electrolytes and membranes. - Minsk: HMTI Press, 1991. - 251 p. 2. Grinchik N.N., Dostanko A.P.Influence of heat and diffusive processes on the distribution of electromagnetic waves in layer materials. - Minsk: HMTI Press, 2005. - 149 p. 3. Grinchik N.N. Modeling the electrophysical and thermophysical processes in layer media. - Minsk: Belaruskayanavuka Press, 2008. - 252 p. Articles 4. N.N. Grinchik et. al. Fundamental Problems of the Electrodynamics of Heterogeneons Media with Boundary Conditions Corresponding to the Total Current Continuity.// Electromagnetic wave propagation in complex matter. Edited by Ahmed A.Kishk, Published by Intech, Janeza Trdine 9,5100 Rijeka, Croatia, 2011. – 291c. Тираж не сообщается. Стр. 25 – 54 5. N.N. Grinchik, Yu.N. Grinchik Fundamental Problems of the Electrodynamics of Heterogeneons Media // Advanced Magnetic Materials. Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Physics Research International Volume 2012, Article ID 185647,28 pages Doi:10.1155/2012/185647 6. Grinchik, N.N. Electrodynamics of Inhomogeneous (Laminated, Angular) Structures (2014) Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications, 6 (5), pp. 57-105. doi: 10.4236/jemaa.2014.65009. Articles cited by Scopus 7. Kuts, P.S., Akulich, P.V., Grinchik, N.N., Strumillo, C., Zbiciński, I., Nogotov, E.F.Modeling of gas dynamics in a pulse combustion chamber to predict initial drying process parameters(2002) Chemical Engineering Journal, 86 (1-2), pp. 25-31. Cited 8 times. 8. Grinchik, N.N., Akulich, P.V., Adamovich, A.L., Kuts, P.S., Kundas, S.P.Modeling of nonisothermal heat and moisture transfer in capillary-porous media in periodic microwave heating(2007) Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics, 80 (1), pp. 1-10. Cited 3 times. 9. Grinchik, N.N., Korogoda, O.P., Khomich, N.S.Layer in magnetoabrasive polishing(2010) Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics, 83 (3), pp. 638-649. Cited 2 times. 10. Strumilo, Ch., Grinchik, N.N., Kuts, P.S., Akulich, P.V., Zbitsin'skij, I.Numerical modelling of nonisothermic moisture transfer in biological colloidal porous materials(1994) Inzhenerno-FizicheskiiZhurnal, 66 (2), pp. 202-212. Cited 2 times. 11. Grinchik, N.N.Diffusional-electrical phenomena in electrolytes(1993) Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics, 64 (5), pp. 497-504. Cited 2 times. 12. Grinchik, N.N., Dostanko, A.P., Gishkelyuk, I.A., Grinchik, Yu.N.Electrodynamics of layered media with boundary conditions corre-sponding to the total-current continuum(2009) Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics, 82 (4), pp. 810-819. Cited 1 time. 13. Grinchik, N.N., Nogotov, E.F.On the problem of magnetic wave propagation and absorption with regard for relaxation processes(2004) Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics, 77 (2), pp. 412-420. Cited 1 time. 14. Grinchik, N.N., Akulich, P.V., Kuts, P.S., Pavlyukevich, N.V., Terekhov, V.I.On the problem of nonisothermal mass transfer in porous media(2003) Inzhenerno-FizicheskiiZhurnal, 76 (6), pp. 129-141. Cited 1 time. 15. Grinchik, N.N., Nogotov, E.F.Contribution to the problem of correct de-scription of electromagnetic waves in layered media with magnetic properties(2002) Inzhenerno-FizicheskiiZhurnal, 75 (6), pp. 36-42. Cited 1 time. 16. Anisimovich, V.G., Grinchik, N.N., Zhuk, V.A., Sakovets, S.I., Khmyl, A.A., Tsurko, V.A.Nonstationary model of heat and mass transfer in electrochemical systems(2000) Inzhenerno-FizicheskiiZhurnal, 73 (3), pp. 561-566. Cited 1 time. 17. Grinchik, N.N.Electrodiffusion phenomena in electrolytes(1993) Inzhe-nerno-FizicheskiiZhurnal, 64 (5), pp. 610-618. Cited 1 time. 18. Kuts, P.S., Grinchik, N.N.Transfer equations in capillary-porous media for problems in nonisothermal drying, sorption, and two-phase filtration(1985) Journal of Engineering Physics, 49 (1), pp. 843-847. Cited 1 time. 19. Grinchik, N.N., Grinchik, Y.N.Fundamental problems of the electrodynamics of heterogeneous media(2012) Physics Research International, 185647. 20. Grinchik, N.N., Erofeenko, V.T., Kozlovskaya, I.S., Pulko, Y.V.Model of the interaction of electromagnetic and thermal fields in delay media(2009) Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics, 82 (1), pp. 176-182. 21. Gishkelyuk, I.A., Kundas, S.P., Grinchik, N.N.Mathematical modeling of convective diffusion of soluble compounds in the soil at nonisothermal moisture transfer(2008) Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics, 81 (5), pp. 963-975. 22. Grinchik, N.N., Tsurko, V.A.Problem of modeling of the interaction of nonstationary electric, thermal, and diffusion fields in layered media(2002) Inzhenerno-FizicheskiiZhurnal, 75 (3), pp. 135-140. 23. Kuts, P.S., Grinchik, N.N., Samsonyuk, V.K.On the critical droplet size in an acoustic field(1996) Inzhenerno-FizicheskiiZhurnal, 69 (5), pp. 753-755. 24. Grinchik, N.N., Akulich, P.V., Kuts, P.S., Tsurko, V.A., Shkel', V.A.Modeling of unsteady wave processes in moving media(1995) Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics, 68 (6), pp. 812-817. 25. Grinchik, N.N., Akulich, P.V., Kuts, P.S., Tsurko, V.A., Shkel, V.A.Modeling of unsteady wave processes in moving media(1995) Inzhenerno-FizicheskiiZhurnal, 68 (6), pp. 1005-1010. 26. Strumillo, C., Grinchik, N.N., Kuts, P.S., Akulich, P.V., Zbicinski, I.Numerical modeling of nonisothermal moisture transfer in biological colloidal porous materials(1994) Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics, 66 (2), pp. 181-190. 27. Grinchik, N.N. Electrodynamics of Inhomogeneous (Laminated, Angular) Structures (2014) Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications, 6 (5), pp. 57-105. doi: 10.4236/jemaa.2014.65009 28. Grinchik, N. N. Aqueous containing capillary-porous screens of electro-magnetic radiation. Theory and practice / N. N. Grinchik [et al.]. - Minsk: Bestprint, 2016. - 238 p. 29. Grinchik N. N. Electrodynamics of non- and slow moving layered media with boundary condition of full current continuity / N. N. Grinchik, A. D. Chorny // American International Journal of Contemporary Scientific Research. – 2016. – Vol. 3, iss. 11. P. 3–67. (IMPACT FACTOR: 3.652 (2015)). 30. Non-monochromatic Electromagnetic Radiation of Inhomogeneous Media / N. N. Grinchik [et al.] // Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications. – 2018. – Vol. 10. – P. 13–33. (IMPACT FACTOR: 0.92 (2017)). 31. Regularities of Nanofocusing of the Electromagnetic Field of a Fractal Rough Surface / N. N. Grinchik, G. M. Zayats, O. V. Boiprav, K. V. Dobrego, V. A. Prokhodzka // Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications. – 2019. – Vol. 11, № 8. – P. 117–133. DOI: 10.4236/jemaa.2019.118008. 32. Measurement of Electrical Resistance of Liquid Electrolytes and Materials Containing Them / K. V. Dobrego, M. A. Chumachenko, O. V. Boiprav, N. N. Grinchik, H.A. Pukhir // Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications. – 2020. – Vol. 12. – P. 7–14. DOI: 10.4236/jemaa.2020.122002. 33. Modeling the Interaction of Solit-Like Pulse Signals with Electromagnetic Shields in the Form of Heterogeneous Media / M. A. Aliseyko, O. V. Boiprav, N. N. Grinchik, A. V. Tarasevich // Edelweiss Chemical Science Journal. – 2020. – Vol. 3, iss. 1. – P. 1–5. – 34. Grinchik, N. N. High-Frequency Electrodynamics of Slow Moving Media Taking into Account the Specular Reflection / N. N. Grinchik, O. V. Boiprav // Advanced Electromagnetics. – 2021. – Vol. 10, No. 1. – P. 6–14.